警告: 关于冠状病毒(COVID-19)的信息


The Sanctioned Student Travel policy can be found in 学院's 行政政策手册 在216页政策8下.7旅行政策,第2部分.

I. 旅行授权程序

  1. 获得旅行许可, the following forms must be submitted to the appropriate administrators along with the required documents and information regarding the event. The request should be submitted at least three (3) weeks in advance of travel to the activity or event.
    1. 旅行批准表格
    2. 学生旅游名单
    3. 全面责任免除和赔偿豁免
  2. Once travel is approved by the appropriate administrator(s), 必须进行以下程序:
    1. 获取会议/注册费报价.
    2. 获取学生酒店报价.
    3. 获取租车报价(如有需要).
    4. 获取及计算每日食物摄取量(http://www.gsa.gov/travel-resources).
    5. 获得所需购买的任何其他物品的报价.
    6. 填写《正规靠谱赌博软件》, 酒店, 汽车租赁, and Per Diem for Food and turn into the Dean of Student Services
    7. Turn in Liability Waivers signed by all traveling students to the Director of 学生活动.
    8. Pick up checks at the Business Office for Per Diem, 酒店, and additional items needed.
    9. Cash check for per diem and disperse to students traveling (make sure all students sign the 学生车船津贴表格,顾问存档).
    10. 通知学生旅行者保留所有的日常收据.
    11. Obtain gas card from the 物理设施; keep all gas receipts and turn into the 物理设施 and Dean of Student Services.
    12. 填写 和解的形式 for each student’s per diem and turn in any change with receipts to the Property Manager at the Business Office.

II. 旅行赞助商

  1. The authorizing Dean or Department Chair must designate a Trip Sponsor who will be responsible for the safety and conduct of the trip.
  2. The trip sponsor is responsible for each student who is to be a passenger in the vehicle driven on a college-related activity. (例外):学院的学生雇员, 在他们工作的过程中, 校园内外可能有司机吗.

3. 学生司机

Use of 学生 as Drivers: Only persons meeting 学院’s policies defining “Employee”, hold a Texas driver’s license and who hold an “Approved Driver Certificate” from Lamar State College-Port Arthur are eligible to drive. 学生, except student employees driving as part of their employment with the College, 明确禁止经营学校车辆吗.

IV. 运送学生的保险要求

  1. Special event insurance is available through the Student Services office. 如果学生是租来的交通工具, 学院, 穿过德克萨斯州, has several rental sources that offer special rate and inclusive insurance for this type of travel at no or little additional cost. The sponsor will use their State Travel Card which includes the 正规靠谱赌博软件 agency code to the rental agency. 没有国家旅行卡, a sponsor must contact the Purchasing Director in the Business Office to make sure reservations and rental for the trip. This is particularly important where vans or buses are rented to transport a large number of students in a single vehicle.
  2. Each student who travels by motor vehicle or any other form of transportation to participate in a college-related activity, including but not limited to academically related field trips or courses, 竞赛或竞赛, or non-academic activities such as those sponsored by Student Services, must execute a copy of the Release and Indemnification Agreement and Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment form. 这些文件的副本可从 学生活动网站.
  3. If students use their own vehicles to drive themselves or transport other students as passengers to college-related activities, they should be informed in advance that their personal insurance will be responsible for any liability arising from the trip.


  1. Loading of the vehicle shall be done in accordance with the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations. Particular attention should be paid in loading the large (3/4) ton vans. No more than eleven (11) passengers should be transported and even with a reduced load the driver must remain cautious when maneuvering or making quick turns in order to avoid a rollover.
  2. All occupants must remain seated with their seat belt fastened while the vehicle is in motion. The number of occupants must never exceed the number of working seat belts in the vehicle.
  3. The use of tobacco products is not allowed in any vehicles owned or rented by the College.
  4. 旅行舱单, 行程, and Authorization for Student Travel documents must be verified by the 正规靠谱赌博软件 sponsor of the trip and the driver.
  5. 不包括私家车, each vehicle transporting students involved in college-related activities shall be equipped with the following items: first aid kit, 灭火器, 德州地图, 还有一张航海家舰队的信用卡. The trip sponsor should make arrangements to provide a cell phone for emergency communication.
  6. Student trips will be planned in accordance with the following restrictions:
    1. The driver may not drive more than eight (8) hours in any calendar day.
    2. The driver may not drive more than forty eight (48) hours in a week.
    3. Every driver must take a rest period of at least twelve (12) hours between driving periods.
    4. The maximum number of hours any passenger car or van may be driven during any calendar day is twelve (12).

VI. 旅行期间的行为标准

Any student involved in travel that violates The Texas State University System Board of Regents and 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港 policies, 或当地, 状态, 以及联邦法律, will be subject to disciplinary action notwithstanding any action taken by appropriate authorities because of the violations.

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