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Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Audiovisual Production

Students wearing headphones.
Audiovisual Production A.A.S. Degree

Program Description

拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港的视听制作计划为学生在不断发展的媒体行业的职业生涯做好准备. 视听制作计划融合了音乐制作, 声音设计和视频技术,为包括网络在内的所有形式的视觉媒体创建引人注目的多媒体内容, video, film, animation, mobile technology, and games. 无论你是一个音乐人,想为网络制作更好的视频, 游戏设计师寻找更好的音效,或者你的目标是制作故事片, 拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港的视听制作计划将为您提供成功所需的技能.

With small class sizes and a dedicated faculty, 学生们沉浸在模拟专业媒体制作工作流程的课程中. 视听制作计划提供利用行业标准技术的实践培训,同时专注于专业最佳实践,以建立音乐制作和声音设计组合,展示广泛的创意技能,包括视频编辑, music composition, and sound design.

Job Opportunities

拥有学位的学生潜在的就业机会视听制作包括录音棚录音, sound design for film and television, sound design and video editing for web content. Music programming, music production, radio/broadcast board operation, multimedia composition, 游戏和移动应用的视听设备安装/维修/维护和声音设计/视频编辑. 潜在雇主包括媒体制作公司, entertainment venues, recording studios, community groups, theaters, advertising agencies, publishing companies, game development/design companies, museums, schools, and more.

Job and Wages


Dr. Blas A. Canedo-Gonzalez
Phone: (409) 984-6547


  • Matt Roe
  • Caleb Fontenot
  • Carl Richardson

Student Organizations

  • Audio Engineering Society Student Chapter (AES)
  • Electronic Music Foundation Student Chapter (EMF)
  • Cinema Audio Society (CAS)


根据美国劳工部劳工统计局的数据, 那些在视听制作领域工作的人平均每小时的工资为36美元.每小时10美元,平均年薪75,090美元. 根据美国劳工部劳工统计局的数据, 视听制作领域预计将经历4年的变革.3% growth from 2012 – 2022. 
所有商业音乐专业的学生都可以使用三个专业的录音室. In addition to the recording studios, 拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港有一个基于Mac的音乐制作/编程和视频编辑实验室和一个基于PC的音乐作曲实验室. 
您将学习使用行业标准的音频和视频录制,编辑和混音设备. 学生们使用最新的数字音频工作站,如Reason, Logic和Pro Tools/Pro Tools HD以及行业标准的非线性视频编辑软件,如Adobe Premier和Avid Media Composer.  
How much studio time will I have access to?
How long will it take to complete the degree?
What types of courses are in the degree plan?
This degree requires courses in basic piano, music arrangement, sound synthesis, sound design, audio post production, video editing, video production, electronic music composition, music programming, music business, studio recording and audio mixing and mastering.
Do you have job placement assistance?
拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港分校确实提供就业援助.  这所大学有一个就业公告栏,所有学生在校期间都可以访问.  Upon graduation, 你可以向职业介绍所提供一份最新的简历, and they will send it out to prospective employers. 商业音乐系的教师将与您合作,让您了解与您的技能相匹配的职位.
Do you offer internships for this degree?
所有视听制作专业的学生都有实习机会.  Typically during your final two semesters on campus, 你将在当地一家录音棚实习, broadcast studio or for a production company.  这段实习经历可以作为专业经验写在你的简历上. 许多实习都给你带来了拓展人脉的机会、兼职工作和全职工作.

Student Testimonials


“我在拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港的经历非常棒. 老师们很有趣,也很有帮助. 我喜欢拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港分校是一所规模较小的学校,因为它为学生提供了非常个性化的大学体验.” Nathan Ingalls Spring 2015

“Here, at Lamar State College Port Arthur, all classes are major-specific, informative, applicable, and standardized to prepare one for the real world. 教师的素质是优秀的,提供的氛围是一个学生可以蓬勃发展,而不是感到窒息的学校的巨大压力.” Joshua Birdsong Spring 2015

“商业音乐系的教师非常专业,在他们所教授的领域有丰富的经验. 我在拉马尔州立大学的时光为我在音乐行业的未来做好了准备,在那里我可以应用我所学到的所有技能和知识.” Brandon Boze Spring 2015
Recommended Program of Study
Course Title SCH
First Year
Fall Semester
COMM 1336 Video Production I 3
MUSC 1325 Acoustics 3
MUSI 1327 Audio Engineering I 3
MUSI 1181 Piano Class I 1
MUSC 1303 Fundamentals of Music 3
Spring Semester
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
MUSC 1331 MIDI 3
MUSC 2327 Audio Engineering II 3
MUSI 1182 Piano Class II 1
MUSI 1310 American Music 3
RTVB 2330 Film and Video Editing 3
Summer Semester
  Social/Behavior Science Course 3
Second Year
Fall Semester
FLMC 2335 故事片、短片和纪录片编剧 3
MUSC 1196 录音艺术技术/技术员专题 1
MATH 1314 or
MATH 1332
College Algebra or
Quantitative Reasoning
MUSC 2347 Audio Engineering III 3
MUSC 2351 Audio for Video 3
SPCH 1315 or
SPCH 1321
Public Speaking or
Business & Professional Communication
Spring Semester
FILM 2330 Audio Post Production 3
MUSB 1305 Survey of the Music Business 3
MUSC 2330 Commercial Music Arranging and Composition 3
RTVB 2340 Portfolio Development 3
Total 60
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